Concentration: Its’ Power & Importance To Meditation

by | Sep 26, 2016 | 0 comments

Many meditators do not realize the value of concentration to the practice of meditation. But, the truth is, concentration is highly important. In fact, most methods are exercises aimed at building up and strengthing the ability of the mind to concentrate and focus. The strengthening of concentration cultivates the ability to put the mind where we want it, when we want it there, for as long as we want it there. And what happens when we build up this ability is the mental chatter of our mind begins to subside, stress & anxiety lessen because the mind isn’t running off to past and future as frequently and when it does we aren’t as attached to those thoughts, and through concentration we gain insight into the truth of our being or nature.

The Buddha said,

“If there is no right concentration, then the basis for knowledge and vision of things as they really are is destroyed.”

You can learn more about this in the video below:


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