May 4, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Aquarian Dreams
Sound Healing & Singing Bowl Training @ Aquarian Dreams


Join us for an intensive singing bowl training workshop, led by meditation teacher & sound practitioner, Anthony Profeta!

Sound is a form of energy that affects people in many different ways & during this weekend training you’ll gain a foundational understanding of sound & its affect on the body!

You’ll also learn the basics of how to play & work with Singing Bowls for self-practice, for private or group sound bath meditations, for yoga and meditation classes, and more….

Throughout this immersive experience we will look closely at the role of sound in our lives and how we can incorporate it into a meditative practice, as well as, utilize the energy to change the vibration of ourselves or others.

Sound baths & vibrational therapy can help you access deep states of meditation and relaxation, decrease anxiety & depression, as well as, bring well-being to our body, mind, and soul because sound-wave frequencies have the ability to break up blocked energy, stuck emotions, and affect the energetic & physical body in many profound ways.
We invite you to come & discover how to incorporate sound into your existing healing practices and learn how singing bowls, tuning forks, and vocal toning will positively effect physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual states.

This Journey Into Sound Training is open to ALL LEVELS of experience!

You do NOT need any singing bowls to attend this training.

There will be an opportunity to purchase singing bowls after the event.

Understanding of Energy, Frequency, & Vibration
Introduction to our Energetic Body & how sound effects it
The benefits & healing power of the human voice (Vocal toning)
Learn about the different types of Singing Bowls and how to play them
How to choose which bowl is best for you and your practice
Learn how both tuning forks and singing bowls are used for healing

There will be a good amount of hands on practice


Tuition: $350

Call ANTHONY: (914) 319-3477
E-mail: AnthonyProfetaMeditation@outlook.com

For more info please visit: www.AnthonyProfeta.com

Register at: www.AquarianDreams.com

#Soundhealing #SoundTherapy #goodVibrations #Soundbath #TuningForks #SoundMedicine #HolisticMedicine