Meditation Teaches Us To Respond To Life Rather Than React

by | Feb 15, 2016 | 0 comments

Unless we are living a very ‪mindful existence much of our days are lived out through habitual reactions. Over time we’ve been conditioned to react, either positively or negatively, to certain stimuli. And very often these responses are not always in the most wise or positive manner.

What the consistent practice of mindfulness‬ meditation‬ does is give us the opportunity to watch & see our thoughts,Anthony Profeta Meditation Teacher feelings, etc… without being immediately pulled off by them. We learn to disassociate from them and watch everything that arises as the witness or observer of these things. We realize that we are an entity which has thoughts, but we are not our thoughts. Therefore, we don’t need to immediately react to whatever arises within us. If an unhealthy thought, feeling, emotion arises we don’t have to immediately head down the path with it.

As we become more proficient in mindful practice we begin to notice that thoughts arise & pass away; feelings arise & pass ways; emotions arise & pass away; everything arises & passes away; because at the deepest level of truth — everything is impermanent.

The direct experience of this truth help us to develop non-reactivity of mind. And non-reactivity of mind allows us to witness or observe a thought, feeling, sensation, experience, or whatever else may be arising; and then after observing, we can decide if it is something that we should entertain and act upon or just witness and let go.

We learn we don’t just have to react to things in the same way. We can learn to observe and see the present moment as it is. Then we can make the wise choice of deciding whether we should react in our habitual manner or if we should respond differently.

Good luck with your practice; and may your days be filled with an abundance of love, happiness, & peace!

~ Anthony Profeta‬

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