The practice of meditation is a process of becoming aware of whatever comes up within us. Through daily continuous practice, whether it be thoughts, feelings, sensations, emotions, etc…, we are learning how to observe it without becoming attached to whatever arises. We learn to just witness the moment; and be with it, as it is!
Simply observe what enters the mind; whether it be good or bad, painful or pleasurable. In this way, we learn to see what’s really going on, in both our heart & mind. We come to witness what’s happening deep within us. In this manner we also learn to be open to who we are & whatever it is we are experiencing. And through this type of practice or exercise, we begin to make friends with ourselves.
Meditation teacher, Pema Chodron, says:
“When you have a true friend, you stick together year after year, but you don’t put your friend up on a pedestal and think that they’re perfect. You two have had fights. You’ve seen them be really petty, you’ve seen them mean, and they’ve also seen you in all different states of mind. Yet you remain friends, and there’s even something about the fact that you know each other so well and still love each other that strengthens the friendship. Your friendship is based on knowing each other fully and still loving each other.”
Only once we make friends with our self can real transformation happen in our lives. This transformation can occur because we begin to see all the traits within ourselves. And therefore, befriending our self is essential to our waking up.
Good luck in your practice. And may your days always be filled with an abundance of love, happiness & peace ~ Anthony