What Is A Mala? And How Can It Enhance Your Meditation?

The word "mala" just means "garland". And so, a mala is a string (or garland) of beads which have been used for meditation, chanting, & other spiritual practice for thousands of years.  It is only recently that they have become very fashionable accessories. And...


Whenever anyone asks what I do, & I tell them that I am a meditation teacher, I immediately hear "Oh, I always wanted to look into it but thought it would be too difficult?" When I reply, "meditation is actually very simple - it's our minds that are not", I...

Meditation Works Out Your Brain!

Not too long ago, doctors & scientists believed the brain was unchangeable. If we lost brain cells or if parts of the brain were damaged, then unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done about it. But now we know that -- THEY WERE WRONG!! Today's...

Stop Searching — And Start Being Happy By Meditating

So many of us think 'If I can just get that raise, I'll be happy'; 'If I just get that new car. I'll be happy'; 'If I just move into that beautiful house with the white picket fence, I'll be happy.'; 'If I just find my soul-mate I'll be happy.' The problem with this...

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