When Thoughts Come Knocking On The Door Of Our Mind, We Don’t Have To Let Them In!

by | Dec 9, 2015 | 0 comments

Through the practice of meditation we learn how to sit & observe ourselves. And the more we practice, we begin to realize that while we have thoughts, we are NOT our thoughts. Thoughts just seem to arise,  and then they pass away. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the sequence & flow of our thoughts.

One moment we’re having a thought of the past, then the future, then the past again, etc… One moment it’s a happy/pleasant thought and then an unpleasant/negative thought, etc…

If I asked you “what’s the next thought you’re going to have?”  — You couldn’t tell me. You couldn’t tell me if the next thought that popped into your mind is going to be a thought of the past or future. You couldn’t tell me if it is going to be a pleasant or unpleasant thought. Therefore, a meditator begins to realize that while we all have thoughts we are NOT our thoughts. There is a witness or observer behind the thought; and that is who & what we really are.

Thoughts are like visitors that come knocking on the door of our mind. We don’t have to open the door & let them in. Especially, if they are negative or unpleasant! Simply witness them and send them on their way! 🙂

Good luck with your practice. And may your days always be filled with an abundance of love, happiness, & peace ~ We are Not our thoughts, meditate, learn to meditate, learn meditation, how to meditateAnthony

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