Guided Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude is an emotion that relates to our ability to feel and express thankfulness and appreciation. Dr Robert Emmons began to research gratitude through the lens of psychology and found that expressing gratitude improves our mental, physical, and emotional...

A Direct Experience Of God

The mystics of all the great spiritual traditions seek a direct and intimate experience with God in this lifetime. They believe it is possible now. We do not need to wait until we die to know this Source and come to a direct experience of Its’ Truth. They also...

Many Methods Of Meditation

There are thousands of meditation methods. This is a good thing because we are all different people, with different tastes, temperaments, and minds. If there was only one method of meditation it couldn’t help every mind that is out there. Our purpose is to find...

Who Are We When We Remove All The Labels?

Who are you? Do you truly Know Thyself? Everything is this world that we think we know we know by the labels we have placed upon them. A “tree” is a “tree” and a “dog” is a “dog” because someone labeled them as such and...

What Is A Sound Bath Meditation?

A “Sound Bath” is a method of meditation that has become a very popular way to meditate. Yet, so many people still do not now what they are or how they can benefit from one. In this video, medical student turned meditation teacher & singing bowl...